Pursue A Burning Passion, A Dangerous Dream, An Amazing Adventure. Dare the Impossible.

Passion. Play. Adventure.
Boldplay the Life You Imagine. - Raymondo Chan

Help Wanted For Kick-Ass Pirates: Adventurous Marketing/PR/Admin Assistant

Pirate Nuts, Mermaid Lovers, Fashion Maniacs,   Zombie Fanciers.
Live BIGGER than life?  Play a bigger game?

Kaptain Jack Parrot is looking for a crew of Adventure Partners-In-Crime (APIC) of like-minded, passionate and talented individuals and business to help accomplish a wild, dangerous mission.
Unleash passion to save world through adventure and play ... and the dance of life to live to the full potential.

The bold plan I'm swashbuckling a few kick-ass experiential projects: including KICK-ASS PIRATES: Carnival and a new adventure-play coaching training program.

Dive into the exotic universe of entertainer, producer, choreographer Raymondo Chan as Captain Jack Parrot. "Death lies before us as we set sail, ... for the  Fountain of Youth." 

WANTED: Adventurous Marketing & Promotion Coordinator Extraordinaire/PR/Admin Assistant

If you are totally happy being caged in a 5' x 9' foot cubicle, then this job is not for you!

You think those mermaids will be very happy?

Who is this for?

Pirates Nuts? Fashion Maniac? Mermaids, Zombies & Parrots friendly?

Captain Jack Parrot is looking for help in his next adventure.
Are you Pirates Nuts? Fashion Maniac? Mermaids, Zombies & Parrots friendly?
Captain Jack Parrot embarks on the adventures with sexy pirates, deadly mermaids, parrot fishes, lovely zombies and other exotic creatures ... on the quest fountain of youth.
This adventure-games event is inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean and true adventure stories Captain Jack Parrot and Exotic SalsaMaster, Raymondo Chan & Mischief Officer, parrot Baby Picasso
WANTED: Adventurous, Super-organized, Reliable Production Crew: Associate Producer/Production Manager/DOP/AD/Production Coordinator/Assistants for avant-garde fashion show/dance adventure-games. You are detailed-oriented. Comfortable with height & water.
 "NO HOLDS BARRED, TAKE NO PRISONERS" KICK-ASS PIRATES CASTING CALL: Sexy Pirates, Mermaids, Zombies, Exotic Creatures, Parrot Fishes, Character Actors, Performers, Entertainers, MC, Musicians, Actors, Actresses, Hosts, Hostesses, Swimmers, Divers, Body-Painting Artists, Models, Dancers, Team Leaders
"Parrot Treasure Island" at a giant 50 meter Olympic-size pool will be your adventure playground on Dec 31, 2011 and Jan 1, 2012  
Fantastic opportunities for crew and cast in upcoming 2012 KICK-ASS PIRATES adventure-games series to grow, gain valuable experience and some kick-ass pirates mindset and skills set to grow with the team.
Please shoot us your adventure resume today with a short kick-ass cover letter. 
Once confirmed, you will be invited to a Casting Call with more details.  Please bring your theme outfit and swimwear. You may get wet. 
Subject: KICK-ASS PIRATES Why do you want to be part of the exotic adventures? Tell us about your mission, passion, skills, availability and expectations? 
to raymondo (at) burnthedancefloor.com 
cc to exoticsalsamaster@gmail.com

Thank you in advance! 
Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with passion,

Captain Jack Parrot & Exotic SalsaMaster

PS Complete the sentence correctly. " What _____ lies before us, as we set sail ... for the fountain of youth."  (Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Strangers Tide)

Yield to The Authentic Moment Like A Virgin

So you think the Cha Cha Cha, the Salsa or Bachata is playful? 
Burn the Dance floor in the art of PLAY! One of the "PLAY" choreography palettes is "Y"= Yield to the authentic moment." 
My friends were on the way to BC lions games and we ran into each other.  We haven't seen each other and danced together for a long time. I don't know when we gonna play on the dance floor again. I decided to capture that moment  in the journal for my exotic salsa adventures.
Off she jumped with such vigor.  We danced in less than 60 seconds. So they quickly caught the next skytrain.
Yield to the authentic moment is one of the most powerful BOLDPLAY principles. It will give you your life back when you are hold prisoner by distractions, busy-ness. From the past or the future quickly back to the present moment. We how hectic life can be.
Heaven forbids. Each authentic moment is a virgin experience.
Wonder where those amazing moments have gone? Resist it. It will escape from you. 
Take 60 seconds or less to  acknowledge the authentic moment. 
Give yourself fully to it consciously. Yield to it.
 Let me know how it work? Leave your comment below.
Until next adventure ...
Exotic Salsa Dancing. Dance Anywhere. Anytime. Be Free.
— at Granville Skytrain Station.
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