Exotic Salsamaster, Raymondo Chan is retired from Exotic Salsa Dancing, his mission to inspire passion through adventure and play to millions around the world, with his dance and adventure partner-in-crime, parrot Baby Picasso. He will no longer be choreographing, coaching, performing, dancing, directing.
Thanks to the unprecedented success of Raymondo Chan's book and movie deals of his wild, exotic adventures and to the dedication of beloved blockbuster director, Steven Spielberg and Hollywood producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, he will now live as a fat, nutty, morbid monk in Parrot Island, his secluded, private, lush tropical island, somewhere near the Caribbean. Islands of Lady Gaga and Anthony Robbins are not too far away.
Instead of consuming himself to burn the dance floor anywhere, anytime, he is too slothful to put out any bond fire for BBQ anywhere, anytime. Provisions are made for authentic doggy houses of Michael Buble and Jackie Chan surprise visits.
"Stop being dangerous."
"Better to be safe than sorry, baby!"
"Be a turkey. Walk. Don't fly."
Gazing at the blue sky, lazing like a lizard in a hammock on the white, sandy beach, he enjoys expressing himself zipping Margaritas, amassing his fortune to develop one pack, big, fat belly.
"The hell with love and passion!"
Dance, play and love are only for the fools. Human contacts are dangerous. Touches and handshakes are dangerous. Kisses and hugs from Exotic Salsa Dancing, especially from the female species, are even more dangerous, and must be avoided at all costs. How sad and difficult would it be for Raymondo and parrot Baby Picasso to miss the tsunami of love, exotic parties, and the sexy, amazing adventures with his dear friends and loyal, undying fans? Not at all.
Dare to be a free-flight parrot, a naked parrot? No. Be very chicken. No dreams, no hope, no courage required. No disappointments. No rejections. No ridicules. So be proud, like everyone else. It is wiser to procrastinate living your dream and living your full potential than risking to become who you can be.
Dreams are for the idiots and the kids. You're adults, grown-ups. Trash them. Let's be domestic, realistic and be very reasonable here. The world absolutely does not need passion. There is no need to love, dance and live a life with no regrets.
But what about Latin dancing and music? Listening to song birdies and froggies kissing are staples.
How free can you be in Parrot Island? At least, being naked is no shame. They hangout, meditate, sharing their space openly among other exotic parrots, Macaws, and wild animal friends, like sea turtles, rabbits, monkeys, cheetahs, lions, elephants .... and live in peace, happily ever after in a jungle paradise.
The successor as Chief Passion Officer for his company, Burn The Dance Floor?
"Only the fools want passion ... afterall, who really want to burn the dance floor with you? And be your dance and adventure partner-in-crime? A giant blue and gold Macaw parrot? Too outrageous. If you recognize one, please ask her or him to see Raymondo Chan. "
Sexy Happy APRIL FOOL!
Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with no passion!
Raymondo xoxo
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