Pursue A Burning Passion, A Dangerous Dream, An Amazing Adventure. Dare the Impossible.

Passion. Play. Adventure.
Boldplay the Life You Imagine. - Raymondo Chan

Why Is the Rum Gone, Naughty?

When the naughty toes tickle the funny bones, the sexy go bananas exotic salsa dancing. ~ Kaptain Jack Parrot

What is the one kick-ass, authentic, naughty thing you did that scare the hell Baby out of you and make you come alive?  

Do you notice the one common thing with the scared humans in the Ghost Elevator and Captain Jack Sparrow?  ( It is not that no wine for breakfast for Captain Jack Sparrow.)

Watch the two videos and find out.

Reluctantly, the last day of Naughtier November will kiss us goodbye! WTF! (Welcome to Fright-night)
Arrr! You would be glad you meet the mischievous little girl in the elevator, wouldn't you?

What happened when the rum gone. What is the "rum" in your life that make you scream?

Toast! Why the Rum Gone, naughty?

Let me know what you think. Leave your comments below.

Until next adventure ....

Love & dance with passion,
Dangerous December

with 008, Kaptain Jack Parrot!
WANTED: Walk-The Plank
Adventure Partner in Crime

#Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival

Trusted Financial Advisor - Commercial Casting

Saw a Facebook status update a looking for talent.

I'm considering a commercial casting principal role this Saturday to play a 30 - 55 years old Chinese man in suit and tie.

Business type - Professional - WARDROBE: suit and tie. Look Sharp. -2 lines - Spoken in English. -- must have a valid passport.

I'm digging some photos to email her.

I wonder is it business as usual or business NOT as usual in today's global competitive economic climate and the Financial Crisis happened in Wall Street . Sir Richard Branson popped in my mind. He is a rebel, uber-successful business person that is hard to fit into a box, challenge to imitate because he is unique. Would you take his financial and business advice?

I used to worked  as an advertising executive for one of the largest international advertising agency in Asia. The amount of time, effort and energy in creating and executing a campaign is insane. The investment is huge. So is the return. It all start with creative brief before the shooting of the  campaign begin. Our clients are multinational companies. I worked with sexy lingerie, fashion, cosmetics, liquor brands including Elizabeth Arden, Salvatore Ferragamo, Triumph, NestlĂ©, SC Johnson, Capari, Triumph.

The training was brutal for new interns and executives. It is a high-stress, deadline driven environment. For the right person, it could be extremely rewarding. For me, it has been one of the most amazing adventure and training I had. I call it Shaolin Temple  of advertising agency. If you know mastering martial arts of Kung Fu is not challenging. I am no Mad man.

What is daunting is the pace of change is so fast with today technology facing entrepreneurs, small businesses. Playing the A game is not only to survive, but thrive and prosper.

I know it would be a fun challenge to prepare for leading role.

You think this man looks old enough?

Look like a Trusted Financial Advisor, a genius maverick?

Could help you make your wildest dreams, your kick-ass retirement adventure come true or add an extra "O" in your bank account?

Let me know what you think. Leave me your comments below.

Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with passion.
Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival
Dec 2012

Not your everyday dance shoes.

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. " ~ Bruce Lee

I was having exotic salsa dancing training in the pool.  The flippers become my new dancing shoes in the water.  I was told not a good idea to walk in the flippers on the floor. After playing with the flippers a little bit, I decided to walk them with my hands instead.

You empty your mind to allow for new possibilities.  To practice improvisation you need to consciously throw again preconceived notion of  what something is and how it is being used.

You adapt yourself to new situations.  I tried on a few flippers. They were  too small for my feet. But I succeeded to wear them on my hands. You can use them for your chest workout in water like sitting pectoral fly machine. It is great a fantastic chest workout. A surprise discovery!

If your improvisation play does not come natural like a dolphin, get wet. Go crazy laughing.

Flip, flap!

Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with passion
Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival

Help Wanted: "Walk the Plank" Adventure Partner-In-Crime


The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering. ~ Bruce Lee

I need your help.

How would live BIGGER than life?  Play a BIGGER game?  I have been flying under the radar on the quest for the Fountain of Youth with KICK-ASS PIRATES: CARNIVAL. Today is the legend, Bruce Lee 70th birthday, the most outrageous, exotic-sexy martial artist the world has ever known.

If you think you have what it takes to walk the plank from management to production, email me as soon as possible.  I will hold an information session.

Walk the Plank. 

Until next adventure ..
Love & dance with passion!
Raymondo Chan

A Pain in the Ass. Maniac Monday

It is a pain in the ass NOT to let your dreams out, arrrgh!!  ~ Kaptain Jack Parrot

Get your ass out of the door. Take your passion. Make it happen.  ... O O what a feeling!

Welcome to Maniac Monday! HellOO! In flashback, if there is a movie that influenced me more to go after my dangerous dreams, it is 'Flashdance'.  I did the 'Maniac' thing. Now, I'm dancing for the kick-ass adventure my life! Very fortunate to have set foot on dancing in 30 beautiful countries ... and counting more.

You cannot sit on the ass, wish things to happen. Unless you are the birdies hatching golden eggs, it is a different story.

What is the problem?

There is no problem sitting on your ass dreaming of your fabulous life now and the kick-ass ideas to change the world.  You are going to take on the world where the world is not enough!

The problem is sitting on your ass for too long. It affects your blood circulation and energy flow. When you are out of the door, you leave what is familiar, what is comfortable behind to the world.  You create movement, more blood flow for your sexy body and evil mind.

You think human species like 007 or modern day Kick-Ass Pirates, like Kaptain Jack Parrot are designed to sit at the desk in front of the computer screen in the office all day long?

Nothing get worse than your dreams die.  Sadly, you die with them.  :S  Some of my baby dreams were dead, before they have a chance to flash out of the fish bowl, into the ocean door front.  I swear I won't let that happen to myself again.  Don't let that happen to you, my friend.

I am creating the KICK-ASS DREAM 100 ( KAD 100 List) It's not the bucket list. It is a part of the training tool in my new signature BOLDPLAY60 coaching program.  (Not ready to enrol yet.)

Take your dreams and passion on flight.  Do something it today. Learn. Get help or coaching.   Whatever you do, you have taken the first step. Congratulations. Flap! Flap!

Kick-Ass Action Coaching Tips:
  1. What is one "Maniac" thing you do to walk the plank?
  2. What do you love? What are you passionate about that inspire you? Arrr yes, even scare the hellOO out of you or your friends?  (Just don't break the law or the law of gravity.)
Need help right away for a "kick-in-the-ass"? Reach out. If I could help you (tender or bold), email me or CALL 778.999.BURN 

Being manly is not required. Neither is woMANly.

Tell me what you will do or did.  Leave your comment below.

"Take your passion. Make it happen!"
Get your ASS out of the door. Walk the plank. Be a maniac.

be BOLD.

Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with passion!
 #BOLDPLAY60 #Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival
Naughtier November

ASS Wanted for World Hello Day Peace Action

It is better to be hilariously outrageous than dropdead boring. ~ Kaptain Jack Parrot - Raymondo Chan, Creator of Kick-Ass Pirates Carnival
Wednesday November 21, 2012 is the 40th annual World Hello Day.

World Hello Day's objective to promote world peace.  World Hello Day is a global expression of peace.  Anyone can participate simply by "greeting ten people for peace".  Simply, say hello to the people and voice your concern for world peace. This demonstrates the importance of personal communication for preserving peace.

31 winners of the Nobel Peace Prize have realized World Hello Day's value to help preserving peace. 180 countries, human and non-human species, has observed World Hello Day.  Why not use the occasion of World Hello Day as an opportunity to contribute to the process of creating peace and express your concern for world peace?

Your activities send a message to leaders, encouraging them to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts.

How did it begin? 
  1. Skyfall asleep?
  2. The world will soon crumble?
  3. during conflict between Egypt and Israel in the Fall of 1973?  
In the Kick-Ass Pirates Universe, it is HellOO

Boys and girls, don't understand the power of a simple greeting HellOO !

There are many different ways to say Hello. Are you  shy or don't know what to "say"?
To help get you started, I will provide you with Kaptain Jack Parrot's 19 HellOO tips to express yourself yourself.  Some are Baby level, beginner. Some are more advanced. Arrr! I guarantee you will have a blast when you do it right. :)

Choose your own adventure!
  1. Call strangers, friends, enemies you have not spoken with for a long time
  2. Paint a HellOO on your ASS parading on the street
  3. Say "Hi", "Hello","Ahoy" "Arrr", "Ahoy"
  4. Write "Hello" "Ahoy" "Arrr" letter
  5. Give a crazy, flirtatious, playful smile 
  6. Jump jump jump! Give a warm bear hug
  7. Invite a stranger exotic salsa dancing, shut up and dance with him or her
  8. Swaying into "Save the Last Dance for Me"
  9. Scream in joy
  10. Kick some ass with tenderness TLC 
  11. Design a hello posters and stick in the workplace
  12. Eyes Winking under the midnight clock
  13. Flying kisses on the beach
  14. Throw rose petals, 60 at a time! 
  15. Sing a HellOO in the hot sauna at a public pool.
  16. Walk the plank with a 360 degree splash
  17. Paint a Hello'n Kitty smile on the forehead
  18. Teach your dogs, cats, horses and parrots to say HellOO 
  19. Use your imagination and creativity to express your version of HellOO to express world peace.
Inspired by  50 years anniversary of  the Bond movie, I will be teaching the Skyfall Art of Exotic Salsa Dancing workshop. With your adventure and play host, Kaptain Jack Parrot playing OO8 James BLONDES! Unleash your passion in 60 seconds or less through adventure and play. Anytime. Anywhere.  Learn how to can say HellOO to the world. Accomplish outrageous, hilarious to sexy, romantic missions! 

To register, call 778.999.BURN(2876) or email me

Saying Hello, HellOO could cause irregular heart beat, heart attack, palm sweats, arrows shot from Cupid. Saying Hello could forge new friendships, exciting relationships and multi-million dollars business relationships, global adventures. Express your beautiful body part other than aforementioned could cause unexpected dangerous side effects. Do it at your own risk.

I believe the world will be more beautiful by saying "hellOO!"

Grab your shoes. Get out the door to the street. Say HellOO to at least 10 people.

How would you celebrate World Hello Day?
Leave me your comments below. 
To be continued ...  :)

Until next adventure ...
Love & dance with passion, 

Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival

Self-Identity, Thiefs, Blackbeard

"Understand who you are, so that you can be the same, whether you're talking to a homeless person or the president of the United States. You're the same person." ~ Stedman Graham
ARRR! ARRRe you living in your own prision?

Thiefs, murderers, Blackbeard. You won't find Robin Hood in the jail cell.

When I first met 6' 7" Stedman, his tall statue was imposing, yet very gentle and soft-spoken.

Michael Jordan is only 6'6".  I'm about 5'11" I'm shrunk in "Alice in the Wonderland.")

He was sharing his message of love and self-identity in this book  "Identity: your Passport to Success"  Stedman worked in a  prison system for 5 years. What insight could he gain?  You're dealing with people with a brutal reality, a gloomy or no future.

How can you survive without hope where there is no escape from freedom, except life time of imprisonment?

But how free are you really, matey?

Have you become the prisoner of your mind?

How to break free and fly out of your own prison?

Your mind can play tricks on you. So many people let fear hold them prisoner in their relationship, health, financial, career and business.

To my big surprise, playing the role of KAPtain Jack Parrot as a KAP(Kick-Ass Pirates) on the quest for the Fountain of Youth has taught me a lot.

One of the most powerful strategy to kick-ass being a killer creative, performance artist, actor, play and adventure coach is:  Discover your Self-Identity.  

I incorporate in BOLDPLAY60 training and coaching program.  Through play and adventure with the Art of Exotic Salsa Dancing, I help you get out the prison of your mind. So you can kick ass at work and in life as part of Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival.

To accomplish the impossible, you must have a self-concept of who you are.

How you define youself dictate the choices you make, the actions you take or not take. Therefore, it will influence your future and destiny.

Ask a monkey to fly. Helloo?!
You bet she will be jumping, swinging, climbing, leaping trees. Jump of the cliff? No, I don't think so.

Because I AM a monkey. I am not a bird.

Ask parrot Baby Picasso!
Flap! Flap! Flap! It is up in the sky!

I AM a bird. I am not a monkey.  :)

To be successful, you cannot let mistakes or your past define you. You are not the past.  If you label yourself as stupid and hopeless, as some species who cannot change, in the horrible case of being labelled by society as thiefs, murderers and rapists, you are dead. This is as opposed to someone who believe he or she has infinite potential to change and grow. You break loose of the jail cell faster, with much less effort.

How can you possibly turn over a new leaf if what you do is holding onto the old YOU, the identity who always make stupid mistakes, bad decisions? No, you cannot.

Defy fate. Change your identity. Change your destiny.

If you use only the past to predict and judge your future, where will you be? Possibly nowhere. Or stay where you are.

Stop and think! What identity you have that hold you back from going all out, putting yourself out there? What stop you from putting your best foot forward? Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next year. But NOW!

What is your big, kick-ass goal?
Let me know how I can help.

Share you comments below.

Until next adventure ...

Love & dance with passion!
Raymondo xOOx

Passion Is Not Intellectual, But Visceral

Passion is not intellectual, but visceral. ~ Raymondo Chan, Exotic Salsa Dancing

How do you express the human body authentically?

Vis·cer·al: adjective
1. based on deep inward feelings: instinctive, unreasoning, gut level, not intellectual
2. dealing with crude emotions

Often times when you learn to dance, the first thing you have in mind is how to execute the move.  The mechanics of it. It is great. It is an achievement.

If you hip has been moving only in a certain way. Now you can learn a new way of moving. You have just re-wired your brain. 

But expressing of your body is really an emotion expression.  For example, you may scream or jump for ecstatic joy. How skilful you are at engaging your raw, crude emotion will make your dancing and performance so much more interesting and engaging.

When you invite a girl to dance,  the raw sex appeal is more than the mechanics. You could lift her up in the air which may seem expressive and even impressive.

If  it is nothing more than a mechanical move,  your dancing is dead.

It is your ability to communicate the emotion with her and the audience, be it exuberance, passion, sadness or madness, which demonstrate the artistry of exotic salsa dancing.

Next time, when you are on the dance floor, think how you can express your body and emotion authentically.

Erato: Wim Delvoye
Wim Delvoye's Erato is a large arrangement imitating stained cathedral windows, but patterned with x-rays of passionate kisses.


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