Pursue A Burning Passion, A Dangerous Dream, An Amazing Adventure. Dare the Impossible.

Passion. Play. Adventure.
Boldplay the Life You Imagine. - Raymondo Chan

Self-Identity, Thiefs, Blackbeard

"Understand who you are, so that you can be the same, whether you're talking to a homeless person or the president of the United States. You're the same person." ~ Stedman Graham
ARRR! ARRRe you living in your own prision?

Thiefs, murderers, Blackbeard. You won't find Robin Hood in the jail cell.

When I first met 6' 7" Stedman, his tall statue was imposing, yet very gentle and soft-spoken.

Michael Jordan is only 6'6".  I'm about 5'11" I'm shrunk in "Alice in the Wonderland.")

He was sharing his message of love and self-identity in this book  "Identity: your Passport to Success"  Stedman worked in a  prison system for 5 years. What insight could he gain?  You're dealing with people with a brutal reality, a gloomy or no future.

How can you survive without hope where there is no escape from freedom, except life time of imprisonment?

But how free are you really, matey?

Have you become the prisoner of your mind?

How to break free and fly out of your own prison?

Your mind can play tricks on you. So many people let fear hold them prisoner in their relationship, health, financial, career and business.

To my big surprise, playing the role of KAPtain Jack Parrot as a KAP(Kick-Ass Pirates) on the quest for the Fountain of Youth has taught me a lot.

One of the most powerful strategy to kick-ass being a killer creative, performance artist, actor, play and adventure coach is:  Discover your Self-Identity.  

I incorporate in BOLDPLAY60 training and coaching program.  Through play and adventure with the Art of Exotic Salsa Dancing, I help you get out the prison of your mind. So you can kick ass at work and in life as part of Kick-Ass Pirates: Carnival.

To accomplish the impossible, you must have a self-concept of who you are.

How you define youself dictate the choices you make, the actions you take or not take. Therefore, it will influence your future and destiny.

Ask a monkey to fly. Helloo?!
You bet she will be jumping, swinging, climbing, leaping trees. Jump of the cliff? No, I don't think so.

Because I AM a monkey. I am not a bird.

Ask parrot Baby Picasso!
Flap! Flap! Flap! It is up in the sky!

I AM a bird. I am not a monkey.  :)

To be successful, you cannot let mistakes or your past define you. You are not the past.  If you label yourself as stupid and hopeless, as some species who cannot change, in the horrible case of being labelled by society as thiefs, murderers and rapists, you are dead. This is as opposed to someone who believe he or she has infinite potential to change and grow. You break loose of the jail cell faster, with much less effort.

How can you possibly turn over a new leaf if what you do is holding onto the old YOU, the identity who always make stupid mistakes, bad decisions? No, you cannot.

Defy fate. Change your identity. Change your destiny.

If you use only the past to predict and judge your future, where will you be? Possibly nowhere. Or stay where you are.

Stop and think! What identity you have that hold you back from going all out, putting yourself out there? What stop you from putting your best foot forward? Not tomorrow. Not next week. Not next year. But NOW!

What is your big, kick-ass goal?
Let me know how I can help.

Share you comments below.

Until next adventure ...

Love & dance with passion!
Raymondo xOOx

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