Passion is not intellectual, but visceral. ~ Raymondo Chan, Exotic Salsa Dancing
How do you express the human body authentically?
Vis·cer·al: adjective
1. based on deep inward feelings: instinctive, unreasoning, gut level, not intellectual
2. dealing with crude emotions
Often times when you learn to dance, the first thing you have in mind is how to execute the move. The mechanics of it. It is great. It is an achievement.
If you hip has been moving only in a certain way. Now you can learn a new way of moving. You have just re-wired your brain.
But expressing of your body is really an emotion expression. For example, you may scream or jump for ecstatic joy. How skilful you are at engaging your raw, crude emotion will make your dancing and performance so much more interesting and engaging.
When you invite a girl to dance, the raw sex appeal is more than the mechanics. You could lift her up in the air which may seem expressive and even impressive.
If it is nothing more than a mechanical move, your dancing is dead.
It is your ability to communicate the emotion with her and the audience, be it exuberance, passion, sadness or madness, which demonstrate the artistry of exotic salsa dancing.
Next time, when you are on the dance floor, think how you can express your body and emotion authentically.
Erato: Wim Delvoye
Wim Delvoye's Erato is a large arrangement imitating stained cathedral windows, but patterned with x-rays of passionate kisses.
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