Pursue A Burning Passion, A Dangerous Dream, An Amazing Adventure. Dare the Impossible.

Passion. Play. Adventure.
Boldplay the Life You Imagine. - Raymondo Chan

Life Moves Pretty Fast: Twist & Shout on KAPtain Jack Parrot Day Off

Today is Captain ...  KAPtain JACK PARROT's DAY OFF
One Parrot Struggle To Take It Easy!

It's the last week of sexy Audacious August and National Romance Awareness month. Four days left. So make today count.

So what rules? Leisure Rules!Play Rules! Dancing Rules! ~ Baby Picasso, the parrot

Raymondo Chan BURN the DANCE FLOOR.com  presents
Twist & Shout, KAPtain JACK PARROT's DAY OFF 
Tonight let's have some impromptu and spontaneous play. Twist and shout, twist and turn, kiss and turn, singing or dancin' in the rain or under the sky!  Whistle! 

Enjoy the free outdoor movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off  by fresh air cinema under the romantic sky. 
  • I will teach you the art of BOLDPLAY,  Exotic Salsa Dancing in 60 seconds or less.
  • Catch us with Baby Picasso on the  Unleash-Your-Passion Birdie Play Float!
  • Special pictures opportunities. Support us by donations and tips. 
  • Chance to Win some cool prizes! 
See you at Stanley Park, Second Beach!

Movie starts around 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm

Some kick-ass tips not to miss life, but get more out of it.

1. Be BOLD
If only we all had the balls of Ferris Bueller, we could be just as happy as he is. I would guess that 96% of people wouldn’t even dream of getting onto a float in the middle of Chicago’s Von Steuben Day Parade, but Ferris not only does it, but sings two songs that gets every spectator in the street jumping and dancing.  The Beatles would be smiling with Beatles juices.

If you are so tight, remember this: (unless you want a diamond, a girl best friend, in two weeks)
"Ferris: Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."

2. Don't over think. Do it.
"While the rest of us were just thinking about it...Ferris borrowed a Ferrari and did it...all in a day."

3. Don't rush. Stop and look around once in a while.  
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

4. Get your out-of-whack priorities straight.
[Ferris and Cameron enter the garage, where Cameron shows Ferris...]
Cameron: The 1961 Ferrari 250GT California. Less than 100 were made. My father spent three years restoring this car. It is his love, it is his passion.
Ferris: It is his fault he didn't lock the garage.
Cameron: Ferris, what are you talkin' about?
[Ferris eyes the car hungrily]
Cameron: Ferris, my father loves this car more than life itself.
Ferris: A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine automobile.
Cameron: No. No! Apparently, you don't understand!
Ferris: Wow.
Cameron: Ferris, he never drives it! He just rubs it with a diaper!
Watch the movie trailer:
Would you dream of getting into a float in the middle of Stanley Park? Twist and Shout. Have fun! 
Do not miss it. Come play!

be BOLD. (Be Outrageous. Live Dangerously.)

Until next adventure ...
Raymondo  :) xoxo
aka KAPtain Jack Parrot

  Friday August 31, 2012  "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" Dirty Dancing tropical celebration. If you have missed the one at David Lam Park
Come Play! http://bit.ly/bSG4HV

  Kick-Ass Pirates(KAP) Carnival ... Coming Soon
JOIN our wild adventures at BURN The DANCE FLOOR Facebook Group: http://bit.ly/bSG4HV

  Learn Exotic Salsa Dancing, the art of BOLDPLAY. Unleash your Passion in 60 seconds or less. Brand new play and adventure-based learning ... stay tuned.

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